Sunday, May 6, 2007

Test Anxiety

I'm having some major test anxiety. Gage has been gluten free and casein free for 3 months now. He has shown a slow steady progression in eye contact and speech. But ...the diet is difficult. And how do we know its the diet and not just normal development. So next week I will test the dairy part of the diet. I am planning to give him milk 3 days in a row.
I don't know why but I'm having major anxiety over this! I would love to begin giving him dairy again but he is doing so well I hate to have any set backs. Since starting the diet he has not had those tell tail fire red cheeks anymore. Something he was eating was not being good to him. If you scroll down on this blog and look at the picture of Gage eating his birthday cake, you can see that he looks sickly. He looks so pale and washed out with dark circles. He doesn't look like that now. I guess testing is the only way to tell.
Wes is anxious to test, hoping that maybe we can start giving one or the other. Of course he will be at work most of the day while I will be at home with Gage. I guess we will see..... Wish me luck.

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