Sunday, January 11, 2009

Potty tails

Whooo Hoo!!! We at last have some poopin on the potty success!!! Gage has peed on the potty with no help for almost a year now, but we have had no success with poopin'. New Years day Gage had the trots and he asked to go in the potty every time!! I was so excited. Now, its not been smooth sailing since then. It seems he would much rather poop in his pants, but after some screaming and fit throwing, promises of M&Ms (GFCF of course), and locking him in the bathroom with me for 30 min, we've had some more successes! Only one "accident" (I don't think "accident" is the proper term its more like "defiance") and that was on Daddy's watch. (Which made for a very grumpy Daddy)Well, this will be a process just like with every other kid. With perseverance and eagle eyes we should prevail. I am so done changing diapers.

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