Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Proof is in the Poopy

WARNING: This post contains descriptions of poop!
We have been following the DAN Protocol which entails many supplements and "non standard" practices. I try to approach all of this with an open mind and healthy scepticism. I don't want to not try something simply because its not mainstream, but I don't want to blindly buy into these "non standard" practices either.
Right now we are just finishing up 20 days of Nizoral, a medication the kills yeast. The idea being that Gage had soooo many antibiotics the first 2 years of life that he probably has an overgrowth of yeast and no healthy gut bacteria. Signs of yeast overgrowth are, foamy poops, hyperness, nondescript laughing, red cheeks, and many more. I never really knew what a "foamy poop" was. I mean Gage has had loose stools almost his entire life. I can count on one hand the number of formed poops he's had. I would have described his poop to be like oatmeal. (little did I know this WAS the "foamy poop")
So we do the Nizoral. The doctor said if he has yeast he will get a "die off" reaction, where the yeast die and release toxins and makes you feel bad. Well we had it, terrible behaviour, diarrhea, itching etc. And then it subsided.
So you ask did the medication work? Well the proof is in the poop! After 22 days on the Nizoral, Gage had a real formed, normal looking poop, and has had one everyday for 5 days! I'm amazed. He is also gaining more language. He is consistently saying "I want____" for requests. He is even saying four words at a time. "I want chocolate milk" "I want open door" And he is requesting all day long. " I want...I want...I want...." (Why did I teach him that phrase again???)
Anyway we have normal poop in our house again. I guess that is just proof of something wrong with the body not just the mind. Well now its off to the next step of our DAN protocol.

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