So Makinna finally had her tonsils and adenoids out as well as tubes put in her ears. For years I have been after her doctor because the girl still drooled at 6 years old!!! Finally I said to him," I don't think she can breath through her nose." He finally gave me a referral to and ENT. The ENT found that she had fluid on both ears and some hearing loss because of this. He felt her adenoids and tonsils should come out.
Ok so last Friday she has the surgery. After the surgery was over the doctor came out to tell us how everything went. Well, evidently her adenoids were the worst he's ever seen, that had grown into her nasal passage, completely blocking her airway. He said there was no way she was breathing through her nose. She also had fluid on both ears.
Now here is my analysis...Makinna has been having trouble in school. She also is a very anxious and nervous kid. Well who the hell can blame her!!!?? She couldn't breath well, couldn't hear, and her glasses are always dirty! I did some research and found some studies that showed kids who were mouth breathers did worse on IQ tests. I also found a study that kids who had problems with their tonsils and adenoids improved in school after having them out.
And guess what!! Even with a very sore throat, she has hardly drooled since the surgery!
I wonder when her doctor will start listening to me.